domingo, novembro 05, 2006

In response to Mr. Ashykbayev's comments, I'd like to state I have no connection with Mr. Cohen and fully support my Government's decision to sue this Jew.
Since the 2003 Tuleyakiv reforms, Kazakhstan is as civilized as any other country in the world.
Women can now travel on inside of bus, homosexuals no longer have to wear blue hats, and age of consent has been raised to eight years old.
Please, captain of industry; I invite you to come to Kazakhstan where we have incredible natural resources, hardworking labour, and some of the cleanest prostitutes in whole of Central Asia. Goodbye! Dzienkuje!"



Anonymous Anónimo said...

Não considero o Borat muito distante dos nossos autarcas. Comaçando no aspecto físico, passando pela argúcia dos argumentos e pelo timing conveniente do seu comportamento, o Borat podia muito bem ser presidente de uma câmara qualquer.

Verei o filme para confirmar se é assim.

Frederico Roque

11:00 da manhã  

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